Shipping is a flat rate of $5.99, or free shipping for orders over $100.
Orders are usually shipped within 5 business days of payment, unless we specifically state otherwise elsewhere on the Site or you receive an email notification telling you that an item in your order is delayed. The expected delivery dates we give are estimates only. Orders may be delayed or shipped separately for some reason. All purchases made through this Site are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon handing the items over to the carrier.
Shipping Address
We only ship to the United States. Canada, Europe. If you are outside these four countries, you will pay for postage separately. A complete and correct shipping address is essential. We cannot change the shipping address once your order is ready for shipment or has been shipped. If a package is returned to us because the address provided by you or your agent is incorrect or incomplete, we will contact you immediately to make corrections and will charge additional shipping fees to re-ship the package. You must provide a daytime telephone number for all orders. Sometimes packages are returned as undeliverable. When the carrier returns an undeliverable package to us, please contact us to arrange for re-delivery.
Delivery Time
When you place an order on this website, you will receive an email from the website with shipping information. Please check your registered email inbox to understand your order status. In addition, you can view the shipping information through “My Account” -> “Order History” after logging into our website. If your delivery address is in China or Japan, the product will usually be delivered within 3 working days after receiving the shipment. If your delivery address is in India, the product will usually be delivered within 15 working days after shipment.
Customs Taxes
Customs taxes will be borne by this website.